Welcome to Sutton Information Advice and Support Service

Sutton Information Advice and Support Service (SIASS) is for parents, carers, children and young people who have or may have special educational needs (SEND). Our service is impartial, confidential and free. We are not part of the Local Authority, and are at arms length from them. We aim to empower those parents/carers of children and young people with SEND so they can take an active and informed role in their child’s education and development. We are available to Sutton residents Mon-Fri via our helpline 0208 323 0462 and email sutton@siass.co.uk. We are a small and friendly team, and we will aim to get back to you within two working days.

We are looking to reset our relationship with parents, carers and Young People, and we would welcome your feedback on how our service could improve. Please complete this feedback survey here or email us your thoughts directly.

Who do we help?

Children and young people with SEND, and/or their parents or carers.

How do we help?

We have a helpline you can call within office hours, and an email address you can contact us on directly.

Our information, advice and support is always based on legislation and we aim to be as accurate as possible with this.

We will support you to understand the legal framework, help you to ensure your voice is heard and to understand your rights.

Further Information

You can find further information about what an Information Advice and Support Service should look like here: Introduction to the Information Advice and Support Service (youtube.com)

Local Offer

You can find further information about what is available in Sutton via the Local Offer